Our Story

About Us

Welcome to Majora - Where Luxury Meets Tradition! In 2021, I embarked on a journey to create a footwear brand that deeply resonates with our South Asian audience. Majora London was born with a clear mission - to provide men with luxurious Mojaris that seamlessly blend into their everyday lives and elevate their style at South Asian events. As a fellow South Asian, I personally experienced the discomfort of wearing poorly-made traditional Indian shoes, which often led me to opt for work shoes, toms, or even Nikes, as I'm sure many of us have.

At Majora London, we are uncompromising when it comes to quality. Each pair of Mojaris is meticulously crafted to perfection, ensuring not just comfort but also versatility. We handpick high-quality materials and pay attention to every unique detail to create statement pieces that you'll cherish.

Our ultimate vision is to be the epitome of South Asian footwear brands worldwide - and we're well on our way there, one step at a time.

How It Started

Allow me to share my personal story - the inspiration behind Majora London. It all began at my brother's wedding when I looked around and noticed the absence of traditional Mojris. Instead, men were sporting trainers, flip flops, and work shoes. It struck me that something so deeply rooted in our culture was being overlooked, dismissed as uncomfortable or not stylish enough. Curiosity led me to inquire, and the responses echoed my own experiences - blisters and discomfort.

Determined to make a difference, I delved into social media, researching what people were wearing to Indian weddings. The sight of more work shoes and flip flops only fuelled my passion to address this issue.

Within six months, my vision of creating contemporary and comfortable Indian shoes took shape. I bid farewell to my corporate job and founded Majora with a clear goal - to offer every man attending an Indian wedding a pair of high-quality, comfortable Mojris that they can proudly wear.

Our Mojaris celebrate the vibrant and colourful essence of India's rich culture, embodying the spirit of individuality and fine craftsmanship.

But we don't stop there. At Majora London, we believe in the power of your feedback. As a small business, your input is invaluable to us. Whether it's a subtle design change or a new colour you'd love to see, we are all ears. Your suggestions drive us to continuously improve and cater to your preferences.

So, step into the world of Majora London, where we blend tradition with contemporary style, and comfort with elegance. Embrace our Mojaris, and together, let's walk towards a future that cherishes our heritage while embracing the best of what today's world has to offer.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts, and let's make every step count.

-Chand Patel, Founder 

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